HRCH Dreammeyer's Ministik Pirate MH (Pirate) 

A dark chocolate hunting dog, a competition retriever, and also a mild-mannered family companion. He is extremely talented at marking and is always steady on the line. Pirate has a temperament that every Labrador owner hopes for - happy in any environment, whether he is retrieving on a hunt, competing in hunt tests or just playing with family and friends. He is gentle and loyal and would do anything to please. Small children will lay on the grass with him and give him a cuddle or a much-loved belly rub, yet at the retrieving line or in the duck blind he is all business. Pirate has hunted ducks, geese, and grouse in Canada. He has also duck hunted in Louisiana and pheasant hunted in North Dakota.

Pirate is a proven sire and his marvelous temperament and hunting ability are inherited by his offspring.

Date Whelped:  March 10, 2010

CKC, AKC and UKC Registered

OFA Elbows     LR-EL54694M25-VPI     Normal

OFA Hips         LR-197902E25M-VPI     Excellent

CERF               LR-379592

EIC and CNM Clear

AKC DNA Profile V840739



HRCH Sixbears Blazing Prairie Fire MH(Rage) 
Rage is a hard driving, competitive and passionate dog. Rage began training at 14 months and has had great success.  He earned his HRC Finished Title at 23 months and his AKC Master Hunt Title at 24 months.

​​Date Whelped:  July 29, 2016

CKC, AKC and UKC Registered

OFA Elbows           Normal
OFA Hips               Good
CERF                     LR-379592
EIC and CNM         Clear DN67137

Eyes                      LR-EYE-12039/7M-VPI

AKC DNA Profile    V821489

​Frozen Semen and natural breeding available